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Showing posts from November, 2005


I wish I had something witty to say here, but I think the picture speaks for itself. The only difference between me and that baby is that I put myself in this position by putting off my work and waiting until last minute to complete assigments and write papers. There everyone, I admitted it. It's my own fault. Happy now?

It's Game Time.....

Okay, so here's what we're going to do. I know how some of you can't sleep at night if you don't have a new blog of mine to read at night. However, as a result of my severe procrastination tendencies I have a very large workload from now until the end of the semester. Consequently, my blog is going to really suffer. I don't want to lose my fans such as yourself, so I've come up with a way that I can briefly post a blog each day and describe my mood. It could be kind of fun (although my definition of fun is somewhat demented and different than other people's). Anyway, here's the 4-11. Each day before I go to sleep, I am going to type a few words that best describe my mood for the day or that best summarize my day into google images and see what images come up. The most popular search result image that shows up, will be the image used for that blog. As I have done these types of searchers before, I can assure you the images are quite entertaining and somew...

Happy Thanksgiving!

First and foremost, Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone had a great day and got to eat a lot of great food. I know I did. I took it upon myself to eat enough food for every starving person on this planet (and then some). I always enjoy spending Thanksgiving with my family and this year I have so much to be thankful for. Mark got some exciting news on Wednesday. Instead of trying to explain, I'm just going to copy and paste my mom's email with the details: Mark will no longer be a participant in the clinical trial. He is ecstatic to be done with the IL2 treatments! Since the last time his cancer was stable and this time one of his lymph nodes was slightly enlarged, he is no longer eligible to continue. That is O.K. though, since they think the enlargement was due to Mark's port infection, not due to the cancer. The oncologist wants him to have new CT scans done in a month (on Dec. 23, to be exact), and then we will know if the lymph node is normal or not. If it is not, it wi...
I feel like crap. I haven't been able to breathe out of my nose for several days now. I have the numb upper lip that feels like botox gone wrong because of blowing my nose so much. My head is congested and I have almost gone through an entire box of kleenex. But hey, I have good news. I just saved 15% on my Nyquil by buying the kroger brand instead! I'm hoping to get a good night's sleep tonight thanks to drinking an entire bottle of "Nite Time" (very orignal name for the Kroger knock off of Nyquil). Don't worry, it's not the green kind that taste like a poor imitation of black licorice. It was the cherry kind. And don't worry, I didn't really drink the whole bottle, I took the recommended dose. It should be kicking in any minute now. Only then will I no longer here all the drunk boys outside of my window arguing about whose muscle's are bigger. So I don't usually do this, but because I'm sick and bored out of my mind on a Friday nigh...

Leave it alone...

Why people pick at their scabs is a phenomenon I'm trying to better understand. The purpose of a scab is to protect a wound and help it heal. Without it, the wound will continue to bleed and won't go away. We know we should just leave them alone but yet, for some reason we pick them anyway. I know we've all done it; had a scab that we knew we needed to leave alone and let heal, but for some reason there is something that makes us pick at it. We know ahead of time what's going to happen when we do. It's going to bleed, take longer to heal, and possibly even scar. Okay, before you get all grossed out, I'm speaking metaphorically here. The "scab" could be a number of different things depending on the person and the events in their life. But the scab I will be referring to in today's lesson is the scab of a past relationship. The relationship that you couldn't accept was over and struggled to let go of. When I speak of picking this "relations...

Beware of Infections...

When I think of an infection, I think of something that needs a little neosporin and a band aid and then life goes on. When the doctors started talking about Mark's infection as something that is life-threatening, as you can imagine, I was shocked. He has stage IV cancer for god's sake, an infection is the least of his worries, right? Wrong. Turns out it's not uncommon for people going through this treatment to get these infections which can be fatal if it doesn't respond to antibiotics and continues to spread. So, going back to my blog about not worrying because it doesn't get you anywhere and it's a waste of time, yada yada yada - I have done very little of anything else besides worry during the past 36 hours or so. Even during the hour and a half last night watching the movie Amityville Horror I was worrying. Well, I guess I was worrying more about not peeing my pants, but you get the idea. I feel bad for the people around me when I get worried like this. I ...

CAUTION: May Cause Drowsiness

There is nothing wrong with enjoying sleep. Just because taking naps is one of my favorite things to do, doesn't mean that I have a problem. Okay, okay, I admit it. I do sleep more than most people thought was humanly possible and surprisingly wake up still tired. I acknowledge the fact that my sleep pattern is all out of whack. While most people are awake I am sleeping, and while most people are sleeping, I'm wide awake. When I was a kid, I couldn't wait for the day when I didn't have to take a nap anymore. Now, I would give anything to go back to those days (except now I know the effects sucking your thumb has so maybe I could skip over the whole buck teeth and 8 years of braces thing). What brought this topic up, you might be wondering. Well, while trying to figure out my classes for next semester, I came across somewhat of a predicament for a night owl like myself: an 8:00am class on Tuesday and Thursdays that I really need to take. That would mean, at the very lat...