Week: 37 Baby length: 19.25 inches Baby weight: 6.3 lbs. - the weight of a mini-watermelon Bump size: 42.5 inches (down half an inch from last week) Weight: +34 pounds (+.5 lbs. from last week) Cravings: Pumpkin spice cookies - yum! I'm glad this isn't a full length picture so you can pretend that I didn't wear high water pants and flip flops to work on the day this picture was taken. But the truth is, I did. Oh, and my hair looked exactly like that, too. Obviously, I have completely stopped caring about my appearance. Maternity Lessons Something you should never tell an emotional pregnant woman is that they are emotional. Completely disregard the fact that it may be true, no hormonal pregnant woman wants to hear you say this. Instead, please let me pretend that even though I have no control over anything happening to my body anymore, I at least have control over my emotions (even though we both know that I don't). I'm not on...
It's crazy but it's fun. It's imperfect but it's thoughtful. This is my life as I know it.