Emscapades, Volume 3
This Emscapade once again took place on the beach of Pawley's Island, South Carolina. Again, taking a stroll along the beach, only this time it was at night and the sky was pitch black. The beach was pretty empty with the exception of a group just next to the deck leading up to our beach house.
Pat and I had just finished our walk along the beach and stopped to pause for a moment and listen to the roar of the ocean waves. After all, there are few better sounds in the world, right? We found ourselves both looking up and gazing at the stars when all of the sudden we hear someone from the group next to us start making bird sounds.
"Ca caw, ca caw," he yelled. Pat and I looked at each other, chuckled a little and then went back to our star gazing and wave listening. The bird sound happened again. "Ca caw, ca caw." This time we completely ignored the noise and continued looking up at the stars when all of the sudden, there was a guy running right up to us.
To say it caught us both off guard is an understatement. I would go as far as saying, it scared the crap out of us! The guy, obviously quite "spirited" as my dad would call it (also known as wasted), was holding a drink, naturally, and was wearing khaki shorts and a beach shirt that was appropriately completely unbuttoned and hanging off his shoulders on each side. And he had brown hair down to his shoulders. Of course he did.
I believe Pat was the first to speak by nervously saying, "duuuude." I think what he meant to say is "what the heck are you doing running up on complete strangers in the dark?" But instead, all that came out was, "duuuuude."Which was more articulate than what I came up with which was...nothing.
"You guys didn't answer the bird call," the wasted beach bum said. "Didn't you hear me going, 'Ca caw, ca caw?'" Luckily, I believe his question was rhetorical as he didn't give us enough time to respond before he went on to say, "You're supposed to answer back with 'Ca caw, ca caw' when you hear the bird call so I needed to come and check you guys out."
He then took off into the dark and ran back to his party, his unbuttoned shirt flapping in the wind. Pat and I asked each other what the heck just happened and then decided it was time to call it a night and head back to the house, locking the doors behind us.
I couldn't make this story up if I wanted to.