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Help Save Zonka!

Let me take a moment to introduce you to someone I'm sure you don't know. Meet Zonka. Zonka is a single red male beta fish who currently lives on Troup St. in Bowling Green, Ohio. This picture of Zonka is somewhat misleading. First of all, I got this picture off of the internet so it's not even really Zonka. Second, although Zonka did look like this fish at one time, this is no longer the case. You see, Zonka was purchased for one reason... to be put in a small fish tank with another male Beta Fish, Roger. In case you aren't aware of the social behavior of male beta fish, let me explain. This was taken from a beta fish website:
"When two or more Siamese fighting (AKA beta) fish are together, they need to attack each other until one of them is dead. The male fish is the only one who will kill. Therefore, they should be separated from each other in aquariums."
Interesting, huh? This was taken from another beta fish website:
"No one should ever buy multiple males with the intention of using them for the morbid entertainment of allowing them to combat. This is inhumane and inexcusable treatment of a living creature."
I couldn't agree more. Zonka's health is fading fast. Each time I see him, there is less and less remaining of his formally beautiful, long, trailing fins as Roger has bitten them off. Each time I look in the tank, Zonka swims over and pleads for help with his eyes. I tried to ignore it is long as possible, but I finally I begged the owner to put them in seperate tanks. He refused. At one point, Zonka had a place to hide in the tank which is probably what kept him alive so long. However, the owner has now removed that object so Zonka has nowhere to go for safety. Something needs to be done. Please post a comment if you feel that Zonka needs to be saved (AKA... someone comes in and takes the fish to a safe place). Please join with me in "Operation Beta Fish" and help save Zonka. Remember... WWPETAD... What Would PETA Do?


Anonymous said…
First of all his name is Csonka, named after the great NFL/American Gladiators host. Second, he is still alive and he has been in there for at least a month, so this so called "agressive" behavior is just Roger and Csonka playing. Finally, would you rather Csonka and Roger live in a loving home where they get attention and fed regularly, or in Wal-mart where little kids pick them off the shelf and shake them. Thank you, Troup St 1 - Emily O
Anonymous said…
I think you are using the word Great a little to easily here, Larry Csonka was never great in anything he ever did, he was a back up to Mike Adamle, also Csonkas hosting job got taken over by a girl Lisa Malosky. So to say Larry Csonka is great, I would have to say you are wrong. Because anyone who is a co-host to Mike Adamle can not be given the great title.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous no.2 makes a good point.

The 'great' Larry Csonka also ditched the NFL altogether in the later 'prime' of his career to play the in the world football league. Most people now-a-days may ask, what the hell is the World Football League? My answer is 'exactly.' It folded sometime after most people in our generation were toddlers.

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