For those of you from the very large population of people who hate cats, please don't bother reading any further. I've had about all of the negative feedback regarding the new addition to my family that I can stomach. When the day comes that I feel minorities and homosexuals are being treated equally, you better watch out because my next activism movement is going to be: All pets are created equal. You don't have to be a cat person to appreciate the important role they play in other people's lives. Before I get carried away ranting and raving about the negative attitudes in this society toward cats, let me focus on the real issue at hand. I for one,
am a cat lover. I'm a firm believer that like dogs, cats too can provide companionship. Yes, each play a different role in our lives, but in my mind there is no hierarchy of pets. One of the things I missed most during my college days was my ability to be around my pets. Now that I'm living by myself in an apartment that allows animals, I'm finally able to get a pet of my own. Last Saturday I rescued a kitten, Sadie May.

Again, no negative feedback about the name of my cat is necessary. I've also had enough of that too! I now appreciate the difficulty my sister experienced when people disagreed with every name she chose for her son. Although my kitten has many less than endearing qualities such as destroying every aspect of my apartment that she can and her stinky smelling butt, I have to say that I've noticed a huge difference since I got her. Before getting Sadie, whenever I was alone in my apartment I was constantly scared about being alone and whether or not I was safe in my apartment and neighborhood. Now that I have Sadie I don't really feel alone anymore. She follows me all around the apartment. Of course, sometimes she scares me more when she knocks things over at night and makes extremely loud noises but I guess you have to take the good with the bad. She isn't a gray cat like I wanted and she doesn't really sit on my lap much like I had hoped she would, but she does provide me with a sense of companionship in my new journey and perhaps that's the most important thing she could do.