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You hate your job...I get it...

Dear Cleveland Postal Workers,

I have had many encounters with various postal workers throughout my last year of employment in Cleveland. None of which have been enjoyable for me. Most of which involved me getting scolded and lectured in ways that I haven't experienced since being a small child. Today's experience, although small in overall comparison to the others, was the straw that broke the camels back. I just don't understand how individuals who so obviously hate human interactions, end up working in customer service/sales related positions such as postal workers. Perhaps it's because of problems in our social structure which require people to do jobs that they don't enjoy. But I have a separate blog for political issues such as these.

Many people dislike their jobs and are dissatisfied at work. Not everyone, however, takes it out on innocent people who just want to buy some stamps for their non-profit. Yes, I admit. You caught me putting tape on a stamp once. You did not like it. You made it quite clear to me that it was a big no-no and that I should never make that mistake again. And guess what? I won't. The thing is, you really only had to tell me once not to do it again. I learn quickly. The five minute lecture and badgering was a bit much. I work for a poor non-profit. We have to try and reuse stamps from old mailings. I didn't have a glue stick yet, I had just started my job. I thought tape was harmless enough. Since the incident, and believe me you made my first experience at a Cleveland post office quite memorable, I have purchased a glue stick and I know never to put tape on a stamp again. In other trips to the post office, and additional lectures and badgering, I have also learned that you cannot drop envelopes in a mailbox with rubber bands on it. This one probably should have been common sense. I was out of my game on that one. Lesson learned. You have also taught me that once I'm given the necessary paperwork, I must exit the line to fill out the forms and then re-enter the lines. Noted.

The final lesson I have learned is that no matter how sweet and innocent I try to act at the post office (well, it's not really an act. I am sweet and innocent), I get yelled at each and every time. I still will kill with kindness though. I will not treat others poorly just because that's how they treat me. I should also mention that I have visited a total of 5 different branches of post offices throughout the greater Cleveland area and my experience has been the same each and every time. But I want to give you credit where credit is due. Today you definitely showed me that it's nothing personal. Even the 90 year old-woman in front of me in line was spared no mercy. She wasn't quite fast enough making her elderly way over to the counter. That made me feel a little bit better (no - I don't enjoy when elderly people are mistreated. I was just glad it wasn't a personal vendetta, me versus the Cleveland Postal Workers).

I look forward to our next encounter. I will keep trying to obey all of the rules and not screw up and you keep trying your hardest not to smile at work and make each experience with your customers more miserable than the last. Until then....


Anonymous said…

Sara Meyer said…
LOVE THIS!!! You crack me up and are so very right!!!

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