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My New Year's Resolutions

Yes, I said New Year’s Resolutions (plural), as in I have more than one. Of course I do! I’m a goal oriented person and I love setting goals for myself! Even when I’m setting myself up for failure, I still love the act of goal setting and striving to be the best version of me (and let's be honest - that's going to take a lifetime). Besides, goals were made to be broken, right? Or is that rules? Either way....

“Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail.”
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wow. I’m getting really deep here!

My 2011 New Year’s Resolutions:

Continue counting calories: I will keep using the “Lose It” app on my iPod touch but instead of just doing it on the weekdays, like I did for the last year, I will actually do it on weekends too. Although I noticed a huge improvement in my eating habits after I started counting calories last January, I think it’s time to step it up to the next level and also use it on the weekends, when I’m often going out to eat and, arguably, needing to monitor my eating habits the most.

Workout three times a week: This is probably one of my resolutions each and every year. I can usually get two workouts in no problem (that’s a lie, Pat has to practically drag me there) but something about finding time to get that third workout in is a struggle for me. My goal is to do two workouts at the Y and one workout at home. Ideally, I would like to do the workout at home in the morning so that I can get it out of the way. This is where I might be setting myself up for failure. It’s hard enough for me to drag myself out of bed to go to work, where I get paid. But dragging myself out of bed to go workout, now that is asking a lot of myself! But I really value my time in the evenings (aka my time sitting on the couch) and would love to have more of it so one less workout in the evening would be ideal.

Read more books: I love to read and I definitely don’t make enough time to do it. I’m hoping to combine reading more books and working out more by getting good audio books on my iPod that I can listen to while working out and while I’m in the car for almost two hours every day driving to and from work. The library has great ebooks but none that are compatible with mac computers! I guess I'll have to do it the old fashioned way and actually go to the library, check out the audio books on CD and upload them to my computer. Life is rough!

Continue cooking one new recipe a week: I have somewhat slacked in this department. I think it’s safe to say that I’m still trying an average of one new recipe a week, but I’m not doing a good job blogging about it.

Blog more often: I would say “blog everyday” but I just don’t think that’s feasible. I think blogging several times a week is more realistic for me. And if I blog a few times a week, every month, for the entire year, I will still end up blogging more than I did in 2010 which is ultimately my goal.

Include a quote with each blog entry: I LOVE quotes. I always have. I used to have this huge Word document with all of my favorite quotes. I have no idea what happened to that document but I’m going to look for it. I think it would be fun to try and find quotes about life lessons, patience, etc. to pair up with my blog entries. You might have noticed, I’ve already started including a quote with every entry in 2011 (all three of them).

Clean up my messes before making new ones: Seems so simple. My three-year old nephew is being taught the same lessons (and is probably better at it than I). For the last month, I've been working really hard at this and I enjoy life and our house so much more when it's clean! And it's much easier to keep clean when you keep up with it regularly. I think I just need to accept the fact that I will be doing dishes every single day and laundry every single week for the rest of my life if I want to live in a clean house. Wow, what a happy thought.

Worry less; live more: It seems like a pretty general statement but it's one that I need to work on so much. There is so much that is out of my control in life and worrying about things doesn't do anything to change the outcome. I want to live by Dale Carnegie's mottos of: asking yourself just how much worry something is worth and then refusing to give it any more and living in day-tight compartments. Do you know how many times I get myself all worked up and stressed out over situations that "might" happen and then never do? It happens too often and I want to put a stop to it. This year I think I've made great strides in this department (many thanks to Dale Carnegie courses) and I want to continue working on this in 2011.

I have some New Year’s resolutions for you, too! Yes, I like goal setting so much that I'm even setting goals for you! If you read my blog, I would LOVE for you to start leaving comments. Even though I’m blogging for me, as a form of self expression, and it's rewarding to me with or without comments, it’s so nice to know if/when people actually read it, too!

Did you know that you can sign up to “folllow” my blog? If you do this, you will be notified every time I write a new entry, which according to my new year's resolution should be several times a week! If you don’t want to comment or don’t feel like you have anything to say, click on one of the buttons at the bottom that says “I laughed,” “I smiled” or “I enjoyed it.” Of course, maybe you might read it and not laugh, smile or enjoy it so leave a comment and tell me you hated it (if you choose to use nicer words, I’m okay with that).

Do you have any New Year's Resolutions that you would like to share?


Ericabee said…
I have some of the same resolutions.
exercise more, eat better, worry less, blog more. We can motivate each other this year! As far as the cleaning resolution goes, I would love to try harder at that too...but, baby steps, you know...
-Kelsey Coghill said…
Hey! I think the picture thing can be about any thing you want! Do it!
Kristen said…
I can't make resolutions. I never, ever keep them and then I get so worked up about it, it's just not healthy LOL! But good for you :o) I really do want to try to blog more, and I always say that, but maybe 2011 is MY year HA!

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