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My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my dog already thinks I am. ~Unknown

Isn't it amazing what good therapy dogs can be? They can tell when you're upset, but yet, they never ask you why. Instead, they just comfort you, or in Jackson's case, bring you his favorite toy hoping that it will somehow bring you as much joy as it brings him. As bad as it sounds, one of the hardest parts of leaving home is leaving this dog. He has had such an impact on all of our lives. He is filled with more personality than any dog I've ever owned (which as most of you know, is quite a few)! I think what brings me the most joy, is seeing how happy Jackson makes Mark. It's funny to think about how much Mark did not want this dog. He only agreed to keep him because he saw how attached my mom and I already were to him. Little did he know, Jackson turned out to be Mark's biggest supporter during this entire battle with cancer. I've always liked the quote I used as the title of this entry. I think we could all be better people if we tried to be the people our dog's think we are. Jackson hates nothing more than getting a bath. It terrifies him to say the least. But yet, after I've poured water on his face and he's shaking hysterically, when my hand gets near his mouth to rub the shampoo in, instead of biting me, or turning his head away, he very softly licks my hand. Imagine loving people that much, that even when they're doing something that makes you miserable, you still see the good in them. If you tried to be the person your dog thinks you are, what type of person would you be? Just something to think about... now I'm going to bed.


Anonymous said…
I must say that you hit the nail on the head with this one Em. Way to go! Bravo!


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