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CAUTION: May Cause Drowsiness

There is nothing wrong with enjoying sleep. Just because taking naps is one of my favorite things to do, doesn't mean that I have a problem. Okay, okay, I admit it. I do sleep more than most people thought was humanly possible and surprisingly wake up still tired. I acknowledge the fact that my sleep pattern is all out of whack. While most people are awake I am sleeping, and while most people are sleeping, I'm wide awake. When I was a kid, I couldn't wait for the day when I didn't have to take a nap anymore. Now, I would give anything to go back to those days (except now I know the effects sucking your thumb has so maybe I could skip over the whole buck teeth and 8 years of braces thing). What brought this topic up, you might be wondering. Well, while trying to figure out my classes for next semester, I came across somewhat of a predicament for a night owl like myself: an 8:00am class on Tuesday and Thursdays that I really need to take. That would mean, at the very latest, I would have to wake up by 7:30am and out the door by 7:45. Those of you reading this right now, even if you don't know me that well, probably know that will be next to impossible for me. And it's not like I could come back and sleep after the class, I would have at least 2 more classes after that and then work. When asked what she thought about me taking an 8am class next semester, Lisa said "Not good." Kari added, "I don't think so." My sister who happened to be around for the conversation contributed, "I don't care, Emily." Thanks Betsy, I appreciate your concern. Emily gave me the big thumbs down with some sort of farting noise. As you can see, no one has faith in me that I can make it to this class. Well I am going to take the class just to prove you all wrong. I can and I will make it to that class. I have turned over a new leaf. No more naps for me in the afternoon. No more late nights of homework until 3am. No more talking on IM all night. You don't think I can do it, believe what you will. Sorry tonight's entry is so boring. I hate leaving you disappointed. I will redeem myself next time.


Anonymous said…

not much to say

hope the next one is better

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