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I love the weekends!

We've established I didn't have a great day today. Let's move on. I had a great weekend and I have so much to be thankful for!

Yesterday was a super relaxing yet productive Sunday for me. I got to sleep in (yay) and then went off to run errands. I went to GFS for the first half of my grocery trip. I really do NOT like going to more than one store for groceries, but I also don't like to overpay for anything so what's a girl to do? Do you have certain stores where you buy certain items or am I the only crazy one?

After GFS, I went to Target to try and use my gift card from Christmas (thanks Dad & Jill). But of course, since I was actually looking to spend money, I couldn't find anything I liked. This ALWAYS happens to me. When I don't have money to spend, I like everything. Humpf. But I did find a cute clutch on sale that I'm going to take to Me-xi-co (ole!) in two weeks to carry my essentials and camera.

Then I returned some clothes to LOFT that Pat said made me look like an old lady (how's that for making a girl feel good in her new clothes?). And unlike me, I didn't replace the returned items with anything else. That's a first, ladies and gentlemen.

Finally, I finished up my errands and grocery shopping at Giant Eagle. Pat would have HATED being with me on this shopping trip because I kept stopping at each aisle to program my shopping IQ app so that it was in sequential order matching the store. It WILL make my life easier and it was totally worth it, but not something I could have ever done if Pat was with me.

The most successful part of my day, though, was the fact that I actually remembered to bring my green shopping bags with me. On the green scale, I wouldn't say that I come even close to a ten, but I try to be aware of ways that I can reduce my footprint and these shopping bags is one small way. So I bought the bags months ago, and ALWAYS forgot to bring them with me.

When I got to the grocery store, I was kind of annoyed at how crowded the parking lot was (why do I always shop on Sundays with the rest of the city?) and I was rows away from any of the shopping cart receptacles. Hence the reason there were carts all over the place (pet peeve) so I took one of them and used it. Good deed for the day = done. And since all my groceries fit into my two big cloth bags, I was able to leave my cart in the store and carry all my groceries to my car. I'm sure I was smiling all the way to the car, because I was so proud of myself. Doesn't take much to get me excited, apparently.

When I got home, I went straight to work. It was freezing cold and didn't feel at all like spring, so I felt it was perfectly appropriate to make "winter-like" meals. On the stove I made my Nana's old fashioned stew and in my crock pot, I tried a new recipe for goulash. Yes - two major recipes going at the same time. That's a first for me! I felt pretty impressive cooking on the stove and in the crock pot at the same time (small triumphs, my friends). Oh yeah, and I made my own garlic bread to boot! Let me clarify, I bought the bread and made my own garlic butter mixture to put on top and baked the bread in the oven.

Nana's old fashioned stew
Garlic bread
We had the goulash (recipe blog coming soon) for dinner and I packaged the stew for lunches and a dinner later in the week. How is that for being prepared? I knew it was going to be a rough work week so I was trying to plan ahead.

That reminds me - one thing I NEVER do, is freeze food for later use. I need help in this area. Is there in art to freezing (other than getting a bigger freezer since ours is tiny and barely holds our food)? Certain containers you're supposed to use? Certain amount of time you should eat things you freeze? I need help in this department...

As I'm honing in on my nesting skills, there is another nest I have been obsessed with since Friday. Have you heard of the Decorah Eagles? In a nutshell, two wild eagles laid three eggs and there are cameras sitting in their nest. Two of the eggs hatched this weekend and there is still one more. It is SO neat to be able to watch these eagles live.

One of the Decorah Eagles on the nest (along with dinner)
I never would have imagined how obsessed I would be about these eagles, but my parents put a lot of emphasis on how cool "birds of prey" are while I was growing up so I blame them. When in doubt, blame your parents, right? I fell asleep watching these eagles on Friday night (wild and crazy Friday night, ay?) waiting for the first egg to hatch. It hatched at 6:20 AM on Saturday morning - needless to say I missed it. But I got to see the baby when I woke up and it was SO cool. Baby #2 was born Sunday. You should definitely check it out. It's pretty neat. And if you are judging me for this, you should know that 11,000,000 people have viewed these eagles. There is strength in numbers and I feel better about myself knowing that. :)

Lack of blogging for a week = long, boring post. You're welcome?


Tabi said…
Art to freezing...hmmm...I just use the plain old cheapy gladd containers. But, the one trick to freezing that I did pick up (from my Eclairs recipe) is to put a layer of saran wrap over top before you put the lid on. But put the saran wrap on so that it lays right on top of the food (this works especially well for soup or stew). This will keep the little ice layer from forming over the top of the soup. Then, put the lid on the container. As long as it's wrapped up, I don't really bother with worry about when to eat stuff, but I try to do it within two weeks just to keep my freezer clear.
Ericabee said…
green bags-i still forget mine sometimes but i try not to beat myself up about it. As long as i recycle the plastic grocery bags i haven't committed any sin :)

Freezing-I have the same problem as you. very little space. Sometimes its dangerous to open the freezer door. I can't count how many times I've had a frozen food avalanche.

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