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23 weeks

Week: 23
Baby length: 11.5 inches - the length of a green onion
Baby weight: 1.1 lb.
Bump size: 37.5 inches (+1 inch from last week)

Weight: +16.5 pounds (+.5 lbs. from last week)
Cravings: Sweets, duh.

I can't help but notice how awful I look in this picture. No makeup. My hair isn't done. Maybe it's the 90+ degree temperatures we've been experiencing or maybe it's just the beginning of a trend where I no longer care what I look like. Either way, please just focus on the bump and the onion. Thanks.


Should I even keep writing about this? I'm craving sweets. Morning. Noon. And night. Sweets is all I think about.

Last Thursday there was a tray of cookies in the faculty lounge at work. I took one of every kind (except the oatmeal raisin - is that even dessert? Sounds more like breakfast to me). I didn't eat any of them but put them in a tupperware container and took them home. It's like a weird dessert hoarding. I shouldn't be eating them but I don't want you to eat them either so I will just take them home with me. Weird.

I woke up on Saturday morning and remembered dreaming about those cookies. In my dream, I saw a group of women - complete strangers - eating cookies. I ran over to one of them and asked her where she found them. Sure enough, they came out of my tupperware container. I proceeded to grab the half eaten cookie out of her hand and ate the rest.

What has my life become? I'm hoarding cookies and dreaming about other people eating them? I don't even recognize myself anymore. I did finally eat the peanut butter cookie last night, almost a full week later, and it wasn't even good anymore. It was pretty hard and stale and totally not worth the caloric or sugar intake.

Baby Movements

Lots of movement this week. And they are getting stronger. One day, I was sitting at the computer and felt something so strong pushing up against my stomach that it almost felt like the baby's head. I have no idea if it was, but it was the strangest movement I have felt yet. I also feel little movements here and there and from what I've read, it could be the baby having hiccups. I'm not sure though since I only feel about three or four in a row and then it stops.


My energy is still great and I'm still sleeping really well during the night but it seems I have lost my ability to sleep in. I had the day off on Friday and I was still up at 6:30 a.m. Then on Saturday and Sunday, I was up promptly at 7:30 a.m. both days. Maybe that doesn't seem early to you, but it is very unlike me. This could be my body's way of preparing me for the baby's arrival and the fact that my sleeping in days are probably gone. Forever.

I've also been a little bit emotional this week. Yes, I always have been, so this is nothing new. But I am now even more emotional than usual (if that thought doesn't scare you - it should). I'm not to the point where if you look at me wrong I will cry but if I talk about something sad or sensitive, I definitely will.

I've read that the baby can now hear and it is recommended that I start talking and singing to the baby. I have to be honest, I feel really weird talking to my stomach. But everyone knows I have no problem belting out a tune.

So I've been trying to choose some lullabies that I will be likely to sing to the baby once it arrives, since I've also read that babies can sometimes recognize a song they heard over and over in the womb. One of the songs I thought would be a good one to sing is "Baby Mine" by Bette Midler from the movie Beaches. Sounds good in theory except I can't even get through the first verse without getting all choked up.

The song is also from the movie Dumbo when he goes to visit his mom elephant who is locked up in the circus and she rocks him from inside her cage. I was trying to explain this part of the movie to Pat and I started crying just thinking about it. Then I went to watch the video to post the link to my blog and I cried while watching it. Click here to watch it and let me know if you, as a non-pregnant person, also find this to be quite sad and moving.

Anyway, the point is, I think I might have to stick to upbeat lullabies from now on. The Beatles it is.


We got so much accomplished this week with the nursery. I'm really excited about it. The biggest item was that we finished the dresser - my big Craig's List find. A quick sanding job, two coats of paint and some knobs and this is the finished product.

I couldn't be happier with the way it turned out. It's exactly what I envisioned for the room and was $500 cheaper than the one I wanted from the furniture store. We got the dresser moved into the nursery and it looks really good in there. This will serve as the baby's changing table, too. 

We also (and by we I mean Pat did all the work and I handed him a tool, twice, and held a piece of wood for him, once) got the crib put together. I was a little disappointed with some imperfections in the wood on the crib, but I guess sometimes you get what you pay for. That being said, you have to look very closely to see them, it's still a solid (and safe) piece of furniture and it was $300 less than the crib I wanted from the furniture store. I think it still looks great.

More on the nursery as it comes together but let me just tell you I am having way too much fun putting it all together!

Maternity Lessons

Maternity shorts are ugly. I've never been a big fan of shorts anyway, but maternity shorts are especially awful. I am still wearing my regular shorts thanks to the belly band but I only have a few pairs and need more to get me through the summer. But every pair of maternity shorts I've tried on are skin tight on my thighs and very unflattering. Maybe it's not the shorts after all. Maybe it's just my fat thighs. That's a topic for a different day.

Weight Gain

I'm so excited! I only gained half a pound this week! If I can keep it up, maybe I'll get back on track with my weight gain. The twice a day walks are really paying off. At this rate, my doctor is going to encourage me to eat desserts! A girl can dream, right?

Gender Prediction

I was shopping at Home Depot the other day and the cashier said to me, "You must be having a boy." She said she could tell by the way I'm carrying the baby and said she carried her boys the same way. I told her that I didn't know what I was having but she stood by her guess of it being a boy.

I LOVE hearing people's guesses as to what I'm having. If I haven't heard yours yet, please let me know what you're thinking. And don't worry, you have plenty of time to change your vote. :)


Unknown said…
Love the dresser tons! Dresses....not shorts....way cooler. Got any cool names yet?

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