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24 weeks

Week: 24
Baby length:
12.5 inches - the length of an ear of corn
Baby weight:
1.25 lbs.
Bump size:
37.5 inches (same as last week)
+16 pounds (-.5 lbs. from last week)
Sweets, duh. 


Nothing new to report in this department. I am still trying to resist sweet temptations. And by trying I mean that I made a reese's peanut butter cup dirt pudding for our cookout on Saturday and then proceeded to eat it and every other dessert available.

I curse every individual who attended our party and didn't finish off the desserts and even worse - those who left their desserts at our house, which I then continued to eat on Sunday and Monday.

On Tuesday I showed up to a work meeting where there were muffins. Chocolate muffins. I resisted them for about the first hour of the meeting until I realized I wasn't even paying attention to anything we were discussing and rather was only thinking about how badly I wanted to eat a muffin. So I did.

Lucky for me, Pat the Dessert Nazi doesn't view a chocolate muffin as falling into the dessert category since it's a muffin at breakfast. I'm not really sure I understand his categorization system but if it allows me to eat chocolate muffins for breakfast, I won't ask questions.

Baby Movements

Baby movements are becoming more frequent and mostly feel the same as last week except that every now and then one will be stronger and really catch my attention. Because movements are more frequent, both Aunt Leann and Aunt Traci were able to feel the movements this week.


My energy has still been great until the last few days when I have fallen asleep every evening on the couch after I get home from work. I blame my fatigue on the fact that I tried to pretend I was a rock star and stayed up until 3 a.m. on Saturday night at our cookout. I was moving nonstop for almost twenty hours and thus felt as though I was hungover the next day and have been tired ever since.

Maybe I was hungover. I had two cans of lemon iced tea which was the first time I've had anything other than water or milk to drink in the last three months. Let's just say things got a little crazy after the second can and I had to cut myself off and switch back to water.

My back has been hurting again too but I'm blaming this on just being tired from the cookout. But I did schedule a massage for next Thursday and I'm pretty darn excited about it. I've had a gift card sitting around for over a year and this seems like the perfect time to use it. I'm not sure how this is going to work now that I have a soccer ball for a belly but I'm leaving that to the experts.

I'm getting that dark line from my pelvic bone up to my belly button, also known as the linea nigra, and my belly button gets closer to being an outie by the day. Both are equally attractive.


The bookshelf is painted and is currently drying in the garage. I can't wait to show you the finished product. But in the meantime, some of you have been asking about the colors and theme in the nursery so I'm giving you a little sneak peak until the room is finished.

The bedding is from Target - Tiddliwinks on the Pond - which I snagged on clearance for $25!
The crib is also from Target - Gracco Charleston and the fabric in the bottom right is for the
curtains which my sister is going to make for me. The walls in the bedroom are yellow.
Maternity Lessons

While I'm not usually a supporter of the "don't ask don't tell" policy, when it comes to issues dealing with labor and delivery, I am beginning to fully support this concept. How about we make a deal. I will not ask you about your labor horror stories and you do not tell me about them. Deal?

Unfortunately, while I was confined to a dentist chair getting my teeth cleaned earlier this week, the dental hygienist decided this was the perfect opportunity to share not only her own labor and delivery nightmares, but she went on to share her daughter and daughter-in-law's with me too.

Maybe she couldn't see the look of pure horror in my eyes as she so vividly tried to describe the horrible pains of labor. After all, I was wearing safety glasses (side note - this is a new practice at my dentist which I find to be a bit of overkill). And since my mouth was already opened wide as she flossed my teeth, she probably didn't notice my jaw dropping a little bit more with every horrific detail she shared. But believe me, I was horrified. I didn't ask and I wish she didn't tell. 

I also made the mistake of asking my mother-in-law how much Pat weighed when he was born. At our last appointment, our doctor asked for both of our birth weights and I only knew mine (I was about 8 lbs. 6 oz. Right, mom?).

When I received Pat's mom's text message informing me that Pat weighed 9 lbs. and 5 oz., I immediately regretted asking. I also immediately regretted eating that aforementioned chocolate muffin, which I had just finished consuming moments before receiving this awful text message.

At my appointment today, I reported to my doctor Pat's birth weight and he looked a little concerned and then just reiterated, once again, that I should avoid eating sweets since I'm probably going to have a big baby.

As I was leaving the appointment, I had another text message from Pat's mom apologizing because she told me the wrong birth weight. I know what you're thinking - she texted me to say that he actually weighed less than she thought. I had the same thought wish. Unfortunately, she informed me that he actually weighed 9 lbs. and 12 oz.

Lesson learned - don't ask your mother-in-law these questions and hope that she doesn't tell you. And if you are interested in these details, maybe you should ask before you are pregnant. Then you can really weigh all of your options (no pun intended).  

On a positive note, I'm always looking for ways to blame things on Pat so now that I know what a big baby he was, I can blame my excessive weight gain and the fact that I'm measuring big on him. It has absolutely nothing to do with chocolate muffins and reese's peanut butter cup dirt pudding (which was delicious, by the way).

Weight Gain

I actually lost half a pound this week. Obviously my goal isn't to lose weight and I can assure you it isn't for lack of eating. I attribute this to a full week of walking twice a day, and the fact that I weighed myself prior to our cookout and my three days of dessert binge eating. Next week will probably be a different story. But until then, I will relish in these days of my pregnancy apps telling me my weight gain is "normal."

The doctor said I'm not measuring quite as much ahead as I was last week either. All good news!

Gender Prediction

My doctor has put in his guess. He's saying girl! He has no medical or scientific reasoning for this guess except for the fact that more girls are born than boys. So there you have it. He is not alone. A few others have guessed girl too, but not many.


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