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Baby R's Nursery

I'm so excited to finally be able to say that we are 100% finished with Baby R's nursery. It's been a long time coming but the beauty of starting these projects early is that then it's not stressful. And I can honestly say, this was a pretty stress-free project.

Of course, no project which requires a husband and wife to assemble furniture, hang artwork and paint together is without it's stressful moments, and we did have a few. Broken glass, chipped furniture, etc. But we made it through.

So here is how the room all started...

A bright yellow guest bedroom, painted in Sherwin William's Daffodil yellow. I selected this color over four years ago when we first bought our house.

As soon as it was up on the walls, I knew it was much brighter than I had planned and I wanted to change it. But Pat, who had just spent hours painting the room, wouldn't let me.

Four years later when we decided the guest bedroom would become the baby's nursery, I knew the yellow room would finally serve it's purpose.

So I needed to find bedding and a "theme" that would match this yellow...

And I did! I found it on clearance at Target for $24. What a deal! I absolutely fell in love with all of the bright colors like aqua blue (my favorite color, which was also my wedding color), lime green, avocado green, yellow and even some orange.

I also love all the little pond animals - frogs, snails, turtles and ducks, oh my!

And, it's gender neutral.

So once I found my inspiration, the fun started. I had such a great time finding all of the little details that would make this nursery come together. At times, I wasn't sure if it would ever look "cohesive" or if it would look like I just threw a bunch of random things together and tried to make it a room (which is essentially exactly what I did). Now that it's done, I absolutely love it!

Some of the details:

The dresser and the bookshelf were both originally oak and we painted them white.

The bookshelf we already had and the dresser was a Craig's List find for only $100. What a steal! After we painted the dresser, we added the knobs and it looks brand new!

I love the fact that it has the cabinet in the middle for storage.

The hanging shelf was mine when I was a kid and was a gift from my Uncle Mike. I believe he made one for all of his nieces and nephews for Christmas one year when we were little.  A fresh coat of white paint and it's as good as new!

The cow piggy bank you see on the shelf was a gift from my Aunt Kathy (my step-dad Mark's sister) and actually belonged to their mom so it's really old and really neat and I'm so honored that she gave it to me!

The duck and baby carriage salt and pepper shakers on the shelf were my great grandma's and my sister and Aunt Marlene set them aside for me to use in the nursery.

The hanging lanterns were actually decorations at our wedding reception that much to Pat's dismay, I haven't been able to part with for the last three and a half years. And now, they have a new purpose!

The changing pad cover was an etsy purchase from Sweetheart -n- Sunshine. They don't cost much more than you would pay at Babies R Us and you get to pick the colors to match your nursery perfectly. I highly recommend them.

The mirror was made by my sister using little wooden figures I found at JoAnn Fabric for less than $1 each. We hope the mirror will provide Baby R with some entertainment while he/she is getting changed. We also hope that Baby R doesn't try to pull the mirror off the wall while he/she is getting changed.

The chevron striped baskets were a target find and so was the frame next to them (a clearance find, no less). I put the quote "Follow your dreams" in the frame to go with the "dream" theme we have going on in there.

The dry erase board hanging on the wall was made by my sister. The lamp was from pottery barn kids (I had a gift card leftover from our wedding - yes, it took me three and a half years to find something I could afford from Pottery Barn) so it was FREE to us.

The dream coat rack was another JoAnn Fabric clearance find and cost me less than $5.

The piece of artwork above the bookshelf is a hand painted original illustration that my mom has had for over 30 years. She stumbled upon it after I chose my nursery theme and realized how perfect it would look in there. And she was right. She painted the frame and bought the glass and I absolutely love it!

The "Welcome Baby R" banner was made by my Aunt Marlene for my baby shower and I saved it to put in the nursery. I found the aqua blue chevron curtain fabric online and my sister made the curtains for us. I love how they turned out!

The quilt on the chair was also made by my sister (she's a talented lady!) and uses fabric that I had, she had and some of my great grandma's fabric, making it extra special. The entire backing of the quilt was my great grandma's, too. 

So there you have it. Baby R's completed nursery. Hope you love it as much as we do!

Now all we need is the baby!


jopye said…
It is SO perfect. I love it.
Kathy Y

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