I found out this morning that my 95 year-old Grandma (she would have been 96 in December) passed away last night in the nursing home where she's been staying for the past year. Although it's a natural part of life for someone of her age to pass on, it still makes me very sad. There's something about knowing that you will never have the opportunity to see or talk to someone again that is so difficult to bear. Forever is such a long time. No matter how much time you spent with someone or how many memories you have with them, there's always that need and desire for more. More time. More memories. More of them.
She was such a warm and compassionate person. I enjoyed every moment I ever spent with her. She was quite the talker (hey, I get it honest, right?). I always knew that when I called her I was in for a long conversation. I will really miss those.
I learned a lot from my Great Grandma. She introduced me to the soap opera General Hospital which I know she watched the entire time it was on until a few years ago when she stopped watching TV. She introduced me to grape pop. I loved going to her house and drinking grape pop out of the can with a straw and eating a bowl of fritos. She taught me how to use a spoon to pop the seal on a jar when it's too hard to twist open. Works every time and I use it often.

My Great Grandma liked Pat a lot. She asked about him every single time I went to visit her. We talked about him and our future together the last time I visited with her. Just like me, she recognized that I had found a really good partner and she was so happy for me about that. I told her that I really hoped she would be around for my wedding day. It breaks my heart that she will not. I can't be selfish though. This is best for her.
I've been extremely fortunate to have my Great Grandma in my life for the entire 25 years I've been alive. There are a lot of people who can't say the same and for that, I am very lucky. I wear her original wedding band around my left thumb. She gave it to me a few years ago during one of our visits. I've never taken it off.
You were deeply loved, Great Grandma, and will be greatly missed.