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My porcelain revelation

I have always given Pat a really hard time about how long he spends in the bathroom. Whenever he disappears for a half an hour (or more) I always know exactly where he is. I've asked him a lot of questions about why he (and most other men I've ever met) is in there so long. It's so foreign to me because I (and most women I know) am very quick in the bathroom. Get in and get out and get on with your day. That's the way I've always looked at it. Pat explained to me once that just because he's in the bathroom for a half an our (or more), doesn't mean that he's actually "taking care of business" the entire time. Once his business is done, he continues to read whatever magazine or newspaper he picked up. Seemed so foreign to me at the time. Why would you actually stay in there longer than you have to?

It seemed foreign to me until today, when I had a porcelain revelation. When I went to the bathroom, I decided to pick up a magazine that came a month or two ago that I've never read (one of the MANY magazines that comes and never gets opened, it's a shame). The magazine is Woman'sDay and I've been receiving it for maybe a year now. Funny thing is, I have no idea where it comes from. Of course I know where it comes from, it comes from Woman'sDay headquarters somewhere. What I mean is, I have no idea who ordered it for me! It just started appearing at my house one day and no one ever mentioned ordering it for me. Initially, I started doing some investigating, asking around to see if other people were receiving it too. My mom wasn't, my sister was and my step-mom was so I assumed it was my Grandma's doing. Good thing I'm not a detective because I have never closed the case. All this time has gone by and I'm pretty sure I've never even asked my Grandma whether or not she signed me up for it and I'm certain I've never thanked her for it if she has. Just another one of those things I will do "eventually."

Anyway, I decided to pick up September's issues of Woman'sDay and see if there was anything interesting going on in there. The issues I've read previously always had a lot of good information and this one didn't disappointment me either. Lots of useful information about getting organized, a few new recipe ideas, both of which were right up my alley and even some unique kids lunch ideas for those picky kid eaters, which wouldn't seem useful since I don't have kids but I am a picky eater and I do pack my lunch every day so even that article was interesting. The point is, and I do have one, or at least I thought I did when I started writing this blog, is that it dawned on me today that maybe Pat is the one who has it all figured out. I thought I was so smart for trying to be more efficient and getting in and out of the bathroom, but maybe Pat's the smart one (maybe). Maybe taking some QT each day to sit down, read a magazine or a newspaper, etc. is much better for you than getting in and out quickly to move on to the next busy task item on the list.

I found my experience today to be a very informative and relaxing trip to the bathroom. I'm not saying that I wish to stay in the bathroom for long periods of time every day, but what I am saying is that I should be taking a little bit more time each day to slow down and read a little. After all, someone paid for me to get this magazine (even though I don't know who), the least I can do is actually read the thing!

Hope all this bathroom talk didn't gross you out. I've always been someone who talks so freely (too freely you might argue) about these topics that sometimes I forget that not everyone does. Can I pull the "it's my blog and I'll do what I want" card? But seriously, I don't want to offend either of the two people who actually read this, so if I did, I apologize. :)


Kristen said…
Love it! Great Idea too - keep this in mind as your family grows, because NO ONE will ever bother you when the Bathroom door is shut - and this is the key - to make sure you won't be bothered, Turn the Fan on.
Holly said…
I know exactly where Shawn is too when he disappears for extended periods of time. He can be quick or he can take his time. Depends on if there are any new magazines in the bathroom. And I could never be grossed out by bathroom talk. I'm a TMI-er and lack a filter when it comes to bodily functions. I don't understand what the big deal is, everybody poops.
Sue Gabriel said…
"Everybody poops"...I think that's the name of a potty-training book that I got for my kids way back when!

Anyway, I've started doing the same thing. Taking in a magazine, or book, or now my kindle. Life does get in the way of reading sometimes, and you have to grab 10-15 minutes wherever you can. Oh yeah...laptops are GREAT bathroom-buddies!! lol

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