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There's no we in Glee

I have become obsessed with the show Glee. As with most trends, I was very late to jump on the bandwagon so I watched all the reruns this summer and got HOOKED! I'm now officially a "Gleek," if you will. Every time I would watch an episode this summer, Pat would stick around until the first singing number started and then he'd get up and leave the room saying the show was too ridiculous for him.

Last night, I begged him to stay and watch the full episode with me and give it a chance. I was hoping if he watched a full episode, he would catch on to some of the storyline and realize there actually was a plot and then might start to like the show. While he did stay downstairs with me for the entire show, he definitely wouldn't agree that the show has a plot and he definitely will never watch the show with me again. He can't get over the fact that the cast randomly goes into musical numbers, flash mob style, to express their feelings. But what he thinks is even worse, is the fact that they aren't really singing at all but are lip-synching. Last night, while he was being forced to stay downstairs for the entire hour of the show, he was constantly sharing his displeasure with the show itself and with me for making him watch it. You would have thought I was making him watch a show about root canals because he was acting like it was so painful for him. He thought the show was so bad that he kept putting the hood of his sweatshirt up over his head and around his eyes (interesting tactic, I will make sure to wear hooded sweatshirts from now on when football is on).

Pat doesn't understand why it's so important to me that he watch the show too. He says he's perfectly happy to go upstairs and watch TV in the living room and let me have the basement. I guess I should be grateful for his willingness to go upstairs and watch TV on a 22" smaller TV without HD, but for some reason I DO want him to watch Glee with me. And not just Glee, but ALL the shows I like to watch (especially Dateline since that show really freaks me out). We work all day and only see each other for a few hours in the evening and I'd rather us be spending that time together than apart. We've only been married a year and I do still enjoy his company (give me a few years and we'll probably be begging for the other person to leave the room). Plus, I like cuddling on the couch with him and he keeps me warm when it's cold.

I think it's a girl thing. All four years in college, my roommates and I would watch our favorite shows together, commenting on things during the show and talking about the show after it was over. Life is more fun when you have people to share it with, right? It sounds like I'm trying to turn Pat into a girl and expecting him to like shows that girls like, doesn't it? I did ask him to paint my nails once. He declined. Very quickly. Without hesitation.

I guess we don't have to like ALL the same things. I certainly don't see myself ever wanting to watch all the things he watches on TV, like past super bowls. What is worse than watching live football? Watching OLD football games from years, decades ago. Not my idea of fun.

Now that he's given the show a chance (if you count putting your hooded sweatshirt over your eyes as a "fair chance), he fulfilled my request and I can't ask him to watch the show with me again. Looks like Tuesday evenings are going to be loneGlee for me. ha ha. Sorry, I had to.


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