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Happy birthday to me!

You'll probably notice that my style of writing has a slightly more mature and distinguished flare to it now that I'm 28 (that sounds old, right?). Even though my eggs are slowly rotting and my best baby making years may be behind me (according to my doctor), I still feel just as young as ever! Except for wanting to go to bed by 10:30 every night and barely being able to handle alcohol consumption anymore (minor details).

Anyway, my birthday weekend was absolutely wonderful and I couldn't have planned a more perfect way to say goodbye to 27 and hello to 28!

The weekend started with a date night to the movies with my husband. We decided to go see Horrible Bosses, us and everyone else on the west side of Cleveland, and unfortunately it was sold out. So we saw our second choice, Friends with Benefits. Probably goes without saying but when I say "our" second choice, of course I mean "my."

I really liked this movie and not just because Justin Timberlake is naked several times, although that was definitely a perk. Normally romantic comedies aren't that funny but this movie actually made Pat and I both laugh out loud on several occasions.

It also left me feeling overwhelmingly happy and grateful about the fact that my husband is truly my best friend. I give the movie two thumbs up!

On Saturday, Pat, my MIL Leslie and I went up to the lake to spend the day on the MacAskill's boat. The weather was looking pretty sketchy so no one really knew if we would get much boating action, but we actually got really lucky. We had just enough sunshine to spend a few hours out on the lake, soaking up the sun, lounging around in the big raft and enjoying some Summer Shandy (yum). We got back to the dock just before a big storm rolled in. The timing was perfect! Then we went to dinner where a live band was playing a lot of acoustic Sublime music. It was fun, easy listening music and a really nice dinner! Couldn't have asked for a better group of people to spend the day with!

By the time my actual birthday rolled around, at 12:14 AM on Sunday, July 24, I was already asleep. I guess I really am old, huh? On Sunday morning, I woke up to a surprise day that Pat had planned for me. I knew nothing except that we needed to leave our house by 9:45, that I shouldn't eat breakfast before we go and that I should dress comfortably. I am absolutely horrible with surprises. I love them, but I usually can't handle the suspense so I end up figuring out the surprise. Not this time. I was seriously clueless.

Our first stop was the 100th Bomb Group restaurant for a breakfast brunch buffet. Neither of us had been to this restaurant and wanted to try it, so Pat decided this would be a good time to check it out. I'm so glad we did because the food was amazing and the restaurant was really cool!

I could NOT believe our next stop. I was seriously in shock when Pat pulled into the mall parking lot. I think I even asked him if he was joking. Pat HATES shopping and I obviously love it. I'm always begging him to go with me so I can get his opinion on the clothes I try on before buying them; I'm very indecisive! So he took me to the mall for an afternoon of trying on clothes, his opinions and he was buying. His only stipulation was that he wanted to play angry birds on my phone while I tried clothes on and he would "try his hardest not to complain." And he didn't! He bought me a dress and an outfit for work! It was so nice!

Our third stop was the Wolf Creek Winery in Norton, Ohio. Pat packed a picnic basket full of cheese, crackers and pepperoni to go with the wine. The scenery was beautiful and it was such a nice afternoon. We ended up sampling almost every wine they had (they were only $.25 for each sample) and finally decided to buy a bottle of the apple wine. I had never had such a thing and it was delicious! Seriously like candy. Which is why I ended up drinking two bottles - I did share some. See, this old lady can still hold her own!

Our last stop was for a cookout at my MIL and FIL's house. Even though my brothers and sister-in-laws had all had a very busy weekend of summer games (somewhat of a beer olympics) and were extremely tired, they were all good sports and made my birthday evening so much fun! We ate, I drank more apple wine and then we played fun games. Of course I didn't win any of them, I guess that isn't changing with age, but I still had fun!

I feel like the luckiest girl in the world and had a more special birthday than I think I deserve! Here's to age 28 - the new 18! :)


Julie said…
Your birthday sounded awesome! Pat planned such a great day for you and you deserve it!

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