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29 weeks

Week: 29
Baby length:
15.25 inches
Baby weight:
2.5 lbs. - the weight of a pineapple
Bump size:
38.75 inches
+23 pounds (+.5 lbs. from last week)
Jones Salt & Vinegar Chips

Look out, I'm breaking all the rules. Technically Baby R is the size of a butternut squash this week. But Giant Eagle only had HUGE squash that were twice the size I needed and about triple the price I wanted to pay.

So I decided this pineapple weighed about 2.5 pounds and would be a great (and tasty) substitute. Thanks for your flexibility on this issue. I appreciate it. 


My BFF Kari had her shower this weekend and I stayed with her on Saturday night. She got me a bag of Jones Salt & Vinegar Chips (my fav) and I dominated them.

Baby Movements

The baby's movements are very frequent and very strong. People are actually noticing my belly moving while I'm sitting still.

You can also see random parts of my belly poking out or my belly looking lopsided now, depending on how the baby is positioned.

 Look at this picture on the right. Can you see the area on my belly where part of the baby is poking out? Or am I the only one who can see it?

Maternity Lessons

A few more comments I received this week:

"Wow. You look HUGE since I saw you last."
"That was probably the last birthday you will actually get to enjoy."
"I hate to tell you this but I think you're going to have a really big baby."

Grady has been really clingy to me this. Do you think it's true that dogs can sense pregnancy and/or that a big change is coming? Or do you think it has more to do with the fact that we've been undergoing a bathroom renovation and he's a big wimp and is afraid of the power tools?


This week I decided once and for all to get over any embarrassment I have with carrying the lumbar support pillow in public with me. And my back pain seems to be doing much better because of it.

First we traveled to Shelby for Kari's baby shower, where I missed my exit and was 40 minutes late. Yes, I'm from Shelby and still managed to miss my exit while returning "home." Wish I could blame it on the pregnancy somehow but this is just an Emilyism and isn't the first occurrence. 

*Note to self* When you decide to bring the lumbar support pillow for its first public appearance, maybe you should make sure to be on time. What is worse than showing up 40 minutes late for a baby shower? Walking in with a big, gray, ugly lumbar support pillow.

Luckily no one made fun of me - too badly. My friend Lisa did have quite a big grin on her face when she saw me carrying it in and Kari's sister Kyle did say that it was quite a bit bigger and uglier than she had expected it to be. Who wants to make a slipcover for me?

Next, the lumbar support pillow and I (and my SIL Leann) traveled to Huron together to spend the day with my Grandma and Aunt at their cottage on Lake Erie. And because I brought the pillow with me, I remained pain free for the entire day.

That is, until my face got completely fried and I looked (and actually still look like) Ross from friends when he got spray tanned. Except replace the tan with bright red and pretend that Ross had HUGE sunglasses on that left him with big, white raccoon eyes. It's an attractive look. And I went to dinner in public like that.

What is worse than going out to eat with a bright red face and big raccoon eyes? Looking like that while also being 7 1/2 months pregnant and carrying your lumbar support pillow into the restaurant with you. Sorry boys, this sexy beast is taken.

And finally, the lumbar support pillow traveled to the beauty salon with me. All was fine until after I got my pedicure and went to the bathroom where I dropped the pillow on my freshly painted toes and smeared the polish. My stylist touched up the polish for me after hearing my pathetic story. I couldn't make this stuff up if I wanted to.

My friend Lisa is letting me borrow her boppy body pillow and so far it is amazing! Much better than trying to sleep with four different pillows and it seems to be providing me with the back support I need. But we are going to need a new mattress I'm afraid. Just one more expense 

Even though my belly is measuring the same size as last week, it definitely feels bigger and I feel like I bump it into things every single day. My brain hasn't adjusted to its increased size so I keep trying to squeeze through small spaces that my non-pregnant self could fit through and I end up banging my belly on tables, the back of chairs and even my boss's back. That was awkward.

Weight Gain

Only up .5 pounds this week! I will take it and run with it. Well, I don't actually run anymore so I will take it and walk quickly with it which I am still doing once a day about five times a week.

Gender Prediction

My friend Lisa's baby girl Lily stood on my belly this weekend, thus making her prediction that it's a girl. And you know those gender predictor tests are very reliable. About 50% accuracy.


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