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30 weeks

Week: 30
Baby length:
15.7 inches
Baby weight:
3 lbs. - the weight of a bag of apples
Bump size:
38.75 inches
+26 pounds (+3 lbs. from last week)
Ice cream


I had quite a few tasty treats this week. Menchie's frozen yogurt while my friends were in town, cake at my soon to be SIL's wedding shower and East Coast Custard.

With the exception of my Menchie's bowl, which was overflowing, I did demonstrate portion control with the other goodies. In fact, the leftover treats from my soon to be SIL's shower are still sitting in my fridge untouched.

Baby Movements

I felt one movement quite close to the ribs this week. I won't say it hurt but I also won't say it felt good. Can't imagine what that's going to be like when it happens more often.

Several times this week the baby moved in such a way that it put pressure on my bladder and I instantly felt like I was going to pee my pants. Not the first time I've had this feeling, as we all know, but it's the first time it was caused by the baby's movement.

Luckily it only last for a second each time but when the baby ends up just sitting on my bladder, I'm in big trouble. Depends are probably in my future.

The baby got the hiccups quite a few times this week. It's really cool when it gets the hiccups because I can instantly tell where the baby's head is based on where the hiccups are coming from. This confirms that the baby is still moving around like crazy because the head is never in the same spot.

The timing of the hiccups is less than ideal, though, since it always seems to be in the middle of the night and I'm such a light sleeper that I wake up because of it.

Maternity Lessons

Since I am reporting the negative things people say to me, it's only fair that I report the positive things people say, too. A lady at Bed Bath and Beyond said to me this week, "You look absolutely beautiful."

I was truly shocked by this comment since I had a baseball cap on and had spent the entire day in the heat at the Bridgestone Golf Invitational. But I said none of this to her. Instead I smiled and said thank you and secretly wondered what in the heck is wrong with her.


I'm back to waking up at least twice a night to use the restroom. It's like an obstacle course getting back into bed and wrapping myself up in the Boppy body pillow. I end up getting tangled in the sheets and bumping into Pat. Unlike me, he's a pretty heavy sleeper and rarely wakes up when I tug the sheets off of him to untangle myself.

I'm not sure if it's the heat (and the fact that we've had our air off in our house for the last few days) but I've been pretty tired when I get home from work and have been falling asleep on the couch again. Just a thirty minute power nap is usually all I need and it feels great!

The back pain has been pretty good this week. There was only one day where it was really bugging me and Pat had to rub my back about three times. It was really annoying and I did tell Pat that it was the first time I've felt "over" being pregnant. But the next day I woke up and it was fine so no complaints!

The lumbar support pillow is still a rock star. I took it to the pool with me (it stayed on a lawn chair, don't worry), the golf invitational (I forgot it in the car at first and Pat had to walk an extra mile to go back and get it - have I mentioned he's wonderful) and the Indians game.

But still, I think a new mattress is in our future. We both find our current one uncomfortable and it's very old so I think the clock is ticking. At this point we are just throwing money every direction anyway, why not add one more expense?

Add this to the maternity lessons: baby's are expensive. Even before they are born!

Weight Gain

Yikes. Up three pounds this week. Seems all that birthday eating caught up with me. Oh well.

Gender Prediction

The two ladies checking me out at Bed Bath and Beyond (and I mean, checking me out like ringing up my purchases and taking my money - although, she did call me beautiful so maybe there was something more....) were both convinced I am having a boy based on the way that I'm carrying.


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