I believe that Verizon Wireless only sells phones that are guaranteed to last less than two years. Hear me out. Verizon has always promoted this "new every two" deal that says if you sign a new contract, you can get a phone either for free or really, really cheap, but only every two years. So, in order to make some money, they only sell phones that they know won't make it to the two year mark and then when yours breaks before two years, they try to make you pay full price for another one.
Have you ever been in a situation where you were waiting for your two year Verizon contract to end so that you could get a new phone? Not because you were bored of your current phone or wanted a newer, fancier one, but because your phone genuinely did not work anymore? I know that I personally have been in that situation many times and Pat has been in this situation for the last three months. In the past, you could call and complain about the crappy phone and they would replace it. That was back in the day when Verizon had maybe one small ounce of customer service left. Oh, how times have changed.
A few months ago, Pat's phone stopped holding a charge. Even after he would charge it all night it still wouldn't make it through the day. Luckily, he had a car charger too which helped him get by. Last night, however, the rest of it finally bit the dust. His screen went out and he wasn't capable of receiving or making phone calls. He left our house on a mission to go get a new phone. He came back feeling defeated and frustrated when they wouldn't let him get a new phone because he was three days early. They didn't seem to care that his phone, their product, wasn't working at all.
I'm convinced, Verizon Wireless' entire business is based around scamming people. In the same meeting where they decided to put a button on your phone that you would constantly hit accidentally, and then charge you $1 every time you do it, they also decided to sell phones that are guaranteed to not last for two years. It was also during this meeting that they decided to change their tagline from "We Never Stop Working For You," to something a little more accurate: "Can You Hear Me Now," which is almost too ironic for me. No, we can't hear you on our phone because IT DOESN'T WORK! But we can hear you loud and clear when you say, that's too bad that you're having problems but there's nothing you're WILLING to do about it.
I also believe they are trying to make the "new every two" even harder to take advantage of. When Pat was at the store last night, trying to find the free phones, he was told they don't even display them anymore but keep them in the back instead. Sound a little fishy? I think so.
Anyone buying into my conspiracy theory? Conspiracy theories aside, I think it's a fact that Verizon Wireless has terrible customer service. But they do have good maps...