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A very Merry Christmas!

We survived our four Christmases. More than just survived them, we really, really enjoyed them! We felt like we had enough time at each Christmas celebration to actually relax and enjoy ourselves and enjoy our great company, something we haven't really felt we had time to do in the previous five Christmases we've spent together.

It was so great to have my step-dad, Mark, out of the hospital. It was hard to see him feeling so ill, but we were just so thankful he could be with us! My Uncle Mark surprised us with a visit from New York which was so nice to have him home!

We got spoiled rotten with gifts and truly got more than we deserve. It almost makes you feel guilty. That being said, we will enjoy each and every one of them and remember to be thankful for having so many people who care about us!

Okay, I'll quit dancing around the issue. You want to know, did I accomplish all of my lofty Christmas baking goals and the answer is a difficult one for me to swallow. No. No I did not get all the baking done that I wanted to. I'm sure you saw this coming. I was trying to make a ridiculous amount of baked goods but I truly thought I could do it and I wanted to set my goal high. I hate failure and at first I felt like a huge loser for not getting it all done. But the truth is, I honestly got sick of baking.

On the night before Christmas eve, I called it quits at 9 p.m. I could have kept going and finished the other two recipes if I really wanted to, but that's just it: I didn't want to. I had literally spent the entire 16 hours I was off of work, baking in the kitchen. One day, my feet were actually bruised on the bottom from standing in my bare feet on the hardwood floor of the kitchen for six hours straight (okay, that's a slight exaggeration. They weren't really bruised but hurt really bad). Even if you like to cook/bake, I think any normal person reaches a point where enough is enough and I had definitely reached that point (no, I'm not trying to say I'm normal. We both know I'm not).

As a recap, my baking goals were as follows:

100 Buckeyes - COMPLETED!
90 Oreo Balls - COMPLETED!
48 Peanut Blossom Cookies - didn't make the cut
32 Peanut Butter Cup Cookies - COMPLETED!
72 Sugar Cookies - COMPLETED!
3 batches of Peanut Butter Fudge - didn't make the cut
60 Pretzel Turtles - COMPLETED!
X amount of chocolate covered pretzels - COMPLETED!

A display of my sugar cookies, buckeyes, peanut butter cup cookies and chocolate covered turtles
Oreo balls and chocolate covered pretzels
I do have two more Christmas parties to attend, so I'm not ruling out the possibility that Peanut Blossoms and Peanut Butter Fudge will accompany me to one or both of those parties. I just can't leave well enough alone, can I?

As for the Christmas crafts, I made the following:

A magnet/dry erase weekly meal planner (Pat helped with the laminating part)

Personalized stationary

I also made 8 assorted greeting cards but ran out of time and didn't take pictures of them.

I hope you had a truly wonderful Christmas!


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