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Twas four days before Christmas...

T minus 4 days....
And I'm still not finished with my shopping, wrapping, baking or crafting. Yikes. But I'm happy to report, that I'm making progress on all fronts! I already got a head start on the baking.
Grady was very intrigued with all the baking supplies I bought!
On Saturday afternoon, I made the sugar cookie dough and on Sunday night Pat and I made the sugar cookies. Many of you saw my Facebook update explaining that while his contributions were very helpful, they went a little downhill - no pun intended, at the end of the night. Nonetheless, we were able to roll, cut and cook nearly 80 sugar cookies - minus the inappropriate one that Pat made and then ate. Tonight was my first time making frosting instead of buying it. Why would I buy the frosting and try to make things a little easier on myself? That wouldn't make sense! It was surprisingly easy to make and probably impossible to screw up! Pat and I got all the sugar cookies frosted and "sprinkled" tonight!

Last night, I made 110 oreo balls. Now all they need is to be dipped in chocolate. At first, tripling the recipe of oreo balls seemed like a good idea, and I know my family will appreciate it because they love them, but rolling 110 balls is a lot of work (that's what she said - sorry, I couldn't resist). The balls are now in my refrigerator just waiting to be dipped in chocolate; another item on my to-do list that I hope to get done first thing tomorrow morning (and by first thing tomorrow morning, I mean first thing after I let myself sleep in). 

I made one batch of the pretzel turtles already, but we had friends over to watch the Browns game on Sunday so there are only like 5 left. No worries, I bought enough ingredients to make another batch and they are super fast and easy to make (and surprisingly delicious). The most time consuming part is taking the wrappers off all of the candies! I highly recommend the recipe - using Dove caramel chocolates instead of Rolos (per one of the reviewers on the site). 

I still need to buy a few more gifts and then finish wrapping/making tags for the gifts. I need to finish "making" some of my crafty gifts - which I will share pictures of after Christmas. I am officially off work until the new year so I have plenty of time to get 'er done, so no need to worry about me. I will reach my Christmas goals. I am confident of that!

Talk to me Christmas Eve and we'll see how confident I still am....


Kristen said…
WOW - you just made me look like a LOSER. But I will have a clean house..... Good luck with all of that.... (I really need to be invited over for some of those delicious sounding cookies!) You Steele girls are quite amazing, I must say.

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