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Trick or Treat!

I have always loved passing out candy to the trick or treaters. Growing up, I was usually in charge of this task at my dad's house in Shelby, which was in a perfect location to get TONS of trick or treaters since he lived at the end of a large Boulevard.

When we bought our house two years ago, I was very excited to pass out candy for the first time. I was working late on the Friday of Trick or Treat. I didn't get out of work until 5:30 or so and Trick or Treat started at 6! I rushed home, threw on Pat's pirate hat that he wore for his costume that year and we sat on our porch together waiting for the slew of trick or treaters to arrive. We waited... and waited... and waited... but they never came. The only kids who came were our neighbors, which included three families and a total of six kids. We only got six kids! I was so disappointed! Pat, who probably dominated all of the candy we had left over, was not nearly as disappointed.

I didn't have high hopes the following year. I didn't want to set the bar up too high again and get disappointed. I tried a different strategy. I stood at the end of the driveway to make it even easier for them to get the candy. Our neighbor went all out and designated his entire front yard as a cemetery with a fog machine and all. If that doesn't get the kids there, I don't know what will. I don't think we reached double digits that year either.

This year, our third Halloween in our house, I got really excited again. I bought our candy way too early and it was almost completely gone by the time Trick or Treat came around. Obviously, my memory had failed me and I thought 25 pieces of candy would not be nearly enough, so I went to buy more. "If you buy it, they will come." Or so I thought.

Turns out they didn't have any Halloween candy left so I had to buy Reese's peanut butter Christmas trees instead. Pat put the candles in our pumpkins and put them out front and I was streaming Halloween music over my computer to really set the mood. And then we waited.

Slowly but surely they started to come. I deemed many of them as being too old, some weren't even dressed up and many just had pillow cases for bags. I made each of them who weren't dressed up try to explain to me what they were supposed to be (I sound like a teacher, don't I?). But after a few bad years, I was more concerned about quantity, not quality. I wasn't about to turn anyone away! We had 25 Trick or Ttreaters this year. The exact amount of candy I had BEFORE going out to buy more.

Looks like Pat and I will be enjoying the Reese's Christmas Trees ourselves!


Kelly Fidler said…
This is classic. Love it. Did you get any COMMENTS on the Christmas candy?

I can relate though, I was at Jeff's house with a giant bowl of candy, equally excited...I propped the door open so Ellie could get to the porch and warn me (barking) of any kids nearby so I wouldn't miss them. I only had one. One. One.

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