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What would Dexter do?

There are a lot of perks to working in a high school. I love interacting with the students and the days go by super fast! The work is challenging and I'm learning a lot. But there are some drawbacks, too.

I seem to be a sucker when it comes to the kids and have a hard time saying no. They come to my office asking me for notes when they're running late to class (I always say no), they ask me to borrow money since I'm right across the hall from the bookstore and "promise" to pay me back (I usually say no), they ask me to buy their raffle tickets and support their fundraisers (I usually say yes), they ask to borrow my stapler and tape dispenser (I always say yes and rarely get them back) and then a few weeks ago, they asked me to sign up to give blood.

At first I said absolutely not. Then they explained that one person giving blood can save three lives and it's the holidays and you should give the gift of life. They even said the lives that the faculty and staff save by donating could be potential parents of future students and could help increase our enrollment numbers - they are very persuasive! So, I signed up.

I would like to say that I soon forgot about it after signing up but that would be a lie. I have thought about it almost every single day since. As November 30th was getting closer and closer, I was getting more anxious. Today is the day. I couldn't back out even if I wanted to. Only a few minutes ago a student, the senior class president and organizer of the event and the one who talked me in to signing up, just came to my office to make sure I was still planning to give blood. I told him yes and he reminded me that it takes 45 minutes for the entire process (only 10 of that is actually for the blood drawing) and they are only in there for two more hours so I should probably come sooner rather than later. "No pressure," he added at the end.

Now I'm starting to get nervous! It's all mental, of course, but my heart is racing and my hands are shaking as I type this. Have I mentioned I hate blood, I'm terrified of needles and I'm a HUGE WIMP? But I do like humans, so saving humans would be a good thing. I'm 27 years old and haven't saved any lives yet, unless you count little Johnny who jumped off the diving board and couldn't swim. I'm an organ donor but don't plan on saving lives with those bad boys any time soon so if I want to save lives, this is a good way to do it. Besides, if high school students can do it, I can do it too, right?

Here goes nothing....


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